Royalty Rates to Benchmark Intangibles®









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What you get

Pre-paid package of royalty rate reports

Reports include: royalty rate, licensing terms and patent numbers (if applicable).

Request a sample report to view all fields.

Unlimited searches with up to 14 filters

Fields include: royalty rates, intangible type, industry, licensor and licensee names, exclusivity, duration, and territory.

Unlimited use of custom built-in analytical tools

Generate comparative analysis charts and predictive statistics.

In-depth royalty rate statistical analysis

Statistics include the average, StDev, median and interquartile range. View by industry, Intellectual Property type, effective year, region or country.

Expert advice from our experienced team

Knowledge-based support to find comparable royalty rates.

Trustworthy sources of royalty rates

Royalty rates are sourced from unredacted license agreements filed as Exhibits with the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) and from other sources.

600 USD
  • 1-year access to:
  • 15 prepaid royalty reports, after that 36 USD each.
  • Unlimited searches.
  • Royalty rates statistics by industry, type, and year.
  • License description.
  • Fast search engine.
  • All purchases are final (no refunds).

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Please fill in your contact information and tell us about your project, and we will send you a sample report.

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